The SEO, a strategy to earn new clients
Being there is important, making other people finding us too. The SEO as a strategy of optimisation.
Having a website is important for a marketing strategy, but it’s not enough to grant us good results.
The success of our activity will be determined by a series of strategic actions. In this article,
we’re going to understand why the SEO is important to improve the results of a company.
First of all the word “SEO” is the acronym of “ Search Engine Optimization”.
It comprehends a series of activities to follow to make our website more visible and
easily traceable by search engines. Such activities embrace different aspects such
as the website structure, its textual contents, HTML codes and the management of its
Every day, many companies and many customers use the search engines to acquire
information on what they need. Thanks to the SEO we can earn the best position among
the first results and improve the traffic on our website.
This will bring automatically an increase in visitors and so a rise in clients.
What does “doing SEO” means?
First of all, it means choosing the keywords to make us easily reachable.
The choice of keywords is one of the main activities to focus on to improve our positioning on search engines.
It’s also the most delicate one: a wrong option, in fact, could result in a disappearing of our website on the search engines and compromise our results.
That’s why while we’re choosing our keywords, we have to take into account some particular aspects. First of all, they have to be pertinent, that is they have to deal with the content of our page.
It would be unsuitable to choose a word just because it is commonly searched. We would run the risk that the user, once on our website, left it immediately because the contents don’t satisfy his expectations.
Above the pertinence, it is necessary to match the language of our audience avoiding an excess in technical terms.
Realistically, a potential client who wants to acquire information on a product would use the proper name or the brand name of that product as a keyword.
Not certainly its code, an interesting detail just for few of them. To avoid mistakes, we have to tailor the choice of keywords on our potential clients.
What do they fancy exactly? Which problems do they want to solve? What kind of language do they use?
The more keywords are pertinent to our website contents, the more our users will turn into clients.
Pay attention, anyway: Attracting visitors is not the only important thing for an ideal planning of our website. Our goal is holding visitors on our site offering them interesting contents in line with their research. A text, an image, a video should be useful for them to the point to become a veritable experience.
If you can offer high-quality contents, probably the user is not like to leave your website looking elsewhere what he needs.
The SEO is a continuous process because the search engines mutate over time to better satisfy the needs of their users.
What we suggest you is to keep you up to date on the techniques to carry on focused and effective SEO strategies.
If you are able to offer quality contents, probably the user won’t leave your page and won’t search elsewhere.
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